Our Lineage

The OSCAR Institute Private Ltd. is a subsidiary of OZONE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The OZONE Group of Companies came into existence in the year 1991, with the sole purpose of making ‘Star Class’ products for people from all walks of life. The Group addresses the challenge of: prevention of the ill effects of the environmental degradation; protection against existing and emerging infectious diseases and chronic diseases and aims to fight youth unemployment in vulnerable groups and provide livelihood skills development to unemployed rural youth and women in India, addressing a collective security of a better life for all.

Oscar Institute has good Infrastructure, Lecture Rooms, trade specific practical lab, and state-of-the-art Training Centers. The training sessions are conducted at the New Delhi Training Center and also at many other states, in both urban as well as Rural areas across India.

The Institute offers courses and vocational training to unemployed people in different trades including Beauty, Medical, Retail, and Agriculture with internships, workshops, and on-job training facilities.

Why Oscar

  • Indian industry faces shortage of skilled manpower despite availability of workforce as there is lot of unemployment in rural areas.
  • We can skill the youth of India and make them contribute in their families and their country.
  • NSDC has surveyed and supplied data and information to the Government about skilled manpower requirement from the rural and urban population with respect to various existing and new trades/ sectors.
  • This has given an immense scope towards skilling of youth weather they are educated or dropouts.

The main purpose of this plan is to build an inclusive, enabled, and skilled society, by vocationally skilling youth and providing employment in identified core sectors.

Population growth and unemployment has been a topic of regular discussion and concern for the society of India. Lack of required skills and expertise to perform a defined job is a challenge that Indian youth is facing, and this will only become more acute with the continued growth in population, and especially, the employable age group.

With an end objective of providing respectable employment to the youth, by vocationally skilling them in specific roles, in defined sectors, Oscar aims to partner with Department of Labor, Government of India in the journey of creating India as the skill capital of the world.

  • Enhance & develop skill set of rural and tribal population
  • Provide people with the ability to get employment or be self-employed
  • Create social awareness for the upliftment of the backward communities
  • Help the states join hands with the Progress of the country
  • Channelise youth to meaningful employment - to avoid social unrest

The Project Proposed in this report is formulated for the welfare of youth of India by engaging them in livelihood generation activity in form of either job/ wage employment.

The objective is to create an earning capacity by skilling the Youth of India so as to equip him/ her with the potential of earning Rs. 6000-Rs. 8000 per month. This means income generation could be either by enhancing income generation through skills related to service sector/ trade, which could facilitate salary earning potential of the candidate.


The objective can be summarized as:

  • Imparting market-led skills through focused training, which will create talent potential in the Youth to get him productive employment in a job
  • Placement assistance to the Youth to get a potential income enhancement to enable the Rural Youth to earn Rs. 6000 - Rs.8000 per month
  • Placement within the neighboring areas to ensure mobility
  • Placement in upcoming sector across neighboring states with high potential