Training Methodology

Pre - training delivery

  • The data for all the candidates enrolled during the mobilization stage would be collected by the District Training Coordinator from the mobilization executive
    • The data collected would help the coordinator make the training plan
    • This training plan would enable the training coordinator to inform the district mobilization executives of the future batches so that the mobilization executive can maintain ample gap between two batches
  • According to the availability of the trainers the coordinator would inform the trainer about the dates and venues of the training program
  • One or multiple training batches for various sectors would be launched.

Training delivery

  • The average duration of a training batch would be 2months (3-4 hrs per day). During the course every participant would be deployed for apprenticeship with one of the industry partners. This part of the training session when the participant would be exposed to the actual work environment would provide confidence to the participants to perform well when he is actually hired by an organization.
  • The trainer will  always be available to Monitor, Coach, & Evaluate his students during the tenure of apprenticeship

Post Training delivery

  • The participant would be assessed and certified after an apprenticeship of one month.
  • The state admin would co-ordinate for the required number of stamped certificates for all the participants who pass the assessment.

Training Content Creation

Content for the skill mission would be created, by acquiring raw content, discussions, creating TEMs (Task Execution Manuals), RLPs (Role-based Learning Paths), by working with the user group, etc. from the following channels.

  • In-house content

The training programmes would be delivered by employing diverse learning methodologies such as:

    • Instructor led training
    • Simulations & Games, Role plays, etc
    • Video based learning
    • Experiential Learning
    • Technology enabled Learning

Train the Trainer

After developing the content with the help of industry partners we would prepare the trainers for effective delivery of training with the help of freshly developed training material. Along with platform skills it is very important for the trainer to be able to understand the training modules and methodologies before delivering the training module. All possible questions and queries should be anticipated and answers to all of them have to be prepared before the deployment of the training program.

A detailed session also called Boot Camp would be conducted for the following:

  • Better understanding of the training content
  • Gathering  anticipated questions and correct answers
  • Facilitating a forum where trainers can discuss and share information
  • Standardizing Training delivery
  • Assessing and Certifying trainers

When the training content, the master trainers and the trainers are prepared, certified and ready to deliver the training program would be deployed at the various franchises / skill centers for training delivery.